
Welcome to Register for 2024 China Downstream Technology and Markets International Conference!

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2024亚洲炼油和化工科技大会将于6月18日-20日在山东东营隆重举行!本届大会主题为“科技驱动转型 竞逐新质生产力”,将围绕科技驱动高端化转型、高质量发展,聚焦石化化工行业的转型升级,构建行业节能减碳和循环经济的路径,产业链延伸和高附加值产品的技术创新,重点讨论催化技术、能源管理、资源循环利用和低碳原料方面的技术、工艺和实践等行业重要话题。
2024 (12th) China Downstream Technology and Markets International Conference will be held in Dongying, Shandong during June 18-20! The conference theme is "Shaping for New Quality Productive Force of Energy and Chemicals", focusing on the technological advancement and high-quality development driving the transformation and upgrade of the petrochemical and chemical industry. It aims to establish a path towards energy conservation, carbon reduction, and circular economy within the industry, as well as expand the industrial chain and promote technological innovation for high value-added products. The discussion will center around key industry topics such as catalytic technology, energy management, resource recycling, and low carbon raw material.

* 如果您有任何关于注册的问题,请联系我们:
If you have any questions about registration, please contact us: registration@asia-downstream.com,+86-19921870830 (10:00-18:00)

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